About us

National Pre-University Students, Parents and Teachers Association

New Education Policy of India 2020 has stressed the need for community involvement in educational management as educational reforms can only be effective if school/College management, teachers, students, parents and related organizations collaborate together.

After extensive research we found out that there is no effective organization representing students belonging to pre university level or higher secondary level i.e., 11 th and 12 th standards. As this is a crucial level of education in any student’s life, we propose to establish National Pre-University Students, Parents and Teachers Association, to effectively and efficiently collaborate between all parties involved in the pre-university level education so that students get best possible education and brighten their future career.

National Pre-University Students Parents & Teachers Association is a voluntary, no- political, non-sectarian organization of students, parents, teachers and others interested in education, formed with the intention of safeguarding the students, parents and teachers and empower them by serving the following aims and objectives:

Aims and Objectives:

  1. To act as a representative of students, parents and teachers whereby protect their fundamental and legal rights:
    • To Make Education Affordable to Every Students and Parents,We at NPUSPTA along AIPA – All India Parents Association has drafted “Unaided Private School (Regulation of Collection of Fees) Bill 2021” and demanding government to table the bill in the Parliament, discuss it and Enact it as Nationwide Single policy to regulate Private School Fees across India and safeguard the students and parents from exploitation of Private Schools by charging exorbitant school fees for education.
    • To address the many issues faced by teaching and non-teaching staffs working at unaided private schools across India we and AIPA has drafted “Private Unaided Schools (Security of Service to Employees) Bill 2021” to safeguard them from any kind of harassment and exploitation.
    • To provide any legal assistance to students, parents and teachers relating to any issues regarding the education.
    • To provide platform for students, parents and teachers, whereby, their voice regarding any issues in education is heard by the Government authorities.
    • To prevent any harassment or abuse of students, parents or teachers by the college management or by Government authorities.
    • To advocate for any adequate laws for the care and protection of students and teachers.

  2. To Promote and Help Students and Parents to continue pursing Higher Education after the completion of Pre-University Education:
    • To make sure that all pre-university students attain higher education.
    • To provide higher education to students irrespective of their caste, religion, race etc.
    • To provide financial assistance to students and parents coming from low-income families in rural areas to continue their higher education.
    • To provide assistance to students and parents in obtaining various scholarships available to them.
    • To assist students, parents and teachers to utilize the various welfare schemes of the state and central governments.
    • To finance, sponsor and promote exceptional students with special talents.
    • To conduct special coaching classes and training programs for students to enable them to write various competitive exams like JEE, CET, NEET etc…efficiently.
    • To help the rural student to enter into professional higher education colleges by giving them necessary training and assisting them financially if required.
    • To advocate and demand for regulated fees and fees concession for students belonging to poor family with low income and students with merits.
    • To conduct career determination aptitude test for students in collaboration with the Government, other NGO’s and the college management.
    • To conduct career counselling and guidance sessions and career awareness programs for students in collaboration with the Government, other NGO’s and the college management.
    • To organize free higher education institutions tour or orientation so that student can explore the college before enrolling to it.
    • To verify authenticity of higher education colleges by checking their affiliations, accreditations and approvals from Universities and Government authorities and prevent students from enrolling to fake colleges for higher education.
    • To assist students and parents in getting free government hostel facilities or other cheaper alternative accommodation facilities so that rural students who cannot afford costly college hostel accommodation don’t drop out of the college.
    • To facilitate any deduction / discount in college fees from higher education institutions for deserving students.
    • To distribute books, stationary and other required items to needy students either at discounted prices or free of cost.
    • To facilitate transport facility to rural students to travel to educational institutions located at urban centres either at discounted prices or free of cost.

  3. To work with the principals, staff and the management of the education institution to build effective partnership of home and college:
    • To promote and facilitate co-operation between students, parents, teachers and college management so that students get best possible education and learning environment.
    • To advise the principals and Management on policy issues and incidents that may require a review of college policy, e.g. Ragging, Bullying, Safety, Homework or assignment, Enrolment, Behaviour problems etc.
    • To initiate, suggest, support and/or organise innovative curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in collaboration with the management of the college.
    • To promote activities that enhance the joy and well-being of the students and teaching staff in a way that complements and enriches the teaching and learning environment.
    • To advocate for and help in improving the facilities in the educational Institution.
    • To Communicate and cooperate to support the plans of the Institution in order to increase the quality of education and success of the students.
    • To organise parents’ teachers’ meetings frequently to monitor the progress of student’s education.
    • To promote understanding and co-operation between parents and teachers for the welfare of students.
    • To promote and finance sanitation, health and safety of students and related activities in College premises.
    • To organize quarterly meetings between students, parents, teachers and college management to discuss all the issues relating to education at a particular college and to gather valuable inputs from all party involved to improve the education system.
    • To make college environment and atmosphere into attractive and friendly one so that students do not drop out of the college.
    • To encourage college management and help them in bringing in and integrating latest technology to teaching.
    • To organise special exhibitions and sports / games activities, various competitions to students for promoting and displaying their skills and talents or for bring out the hidden talents of the students.
    • To conduct special training programs for teachers to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge.
    • To appreciate students and teachers by awarding them with rewarding prizes for their contribution.
    • To provide for group insurance cover to the students and teachers to bear the medical expenditure arising from any accidents at college premises or during commute to and from college.
    • To organize various health check-up schemes for students, parents and teachers in collaboration with other NGO’s and management of the college.

  4. To act as a link and coordinate between Government Authorities, General Public and Management of Educational Institutions:
    • To Develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all students the highest advantage in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.
    • To act as a link between Government authorities and the society whereby informing the policymakers the opinions, inputs and requirements of the students, parents and teachers.
    • To act as a link between college and society whereby informing the teachers the opinions, objectives and advises of parents.
    • To promote patriotic feelings in the minds of the students.
    • To educate and encourage the parents to take adequate and necessary steps with regard to education, career, character, culture, health etc of their children.

General Objectives: